Latest News
A Seasonal Publication with Contributions
by the Drinking Water Professionals of York Water District
Fall 2023
Fall Conservation
Unlike the past couple of years, the York region has experienced above average rainfall this summer, especially in June, when there were more rainy days than sunny ones. That trend continued throughout the summer, leaving many residents and tourists alike longing for more sun and less rain as we move past the season when outdoor water use normally peaks.
Spring 2023
Spring Conservation
Water is flowing abundantly over the dam at Chase's Pond, lulling us once again at this time of year into believing that we have more than enough water to satisfy the town’s needs. Times of apparent abundance of this precious natural resource should never give cause to being wasteful of water.
Jan. 2023
Winter Conservation
As custodians of the town’s water resources, we here at the York Water District strive to make water conservation a yearlong endeavor, for individual households and for the community as a whole. The colder temperatures and shorter hours of daylight result in most of us spending more time indoors, but this doesn’t mean we should relax our efforts to conserve water.
Summer 2022
How You Can Help Conserve Water in Summer Months
York is a beautiful place to live year-round. It can be argued that the beauty of the area peaks during the summer months and warm summer temperatures are often complimented by gentle ocean breezes, making our community the destination for thousands of visitors looking to enjoy our local establishments, beaches and scenic beauty.