Anatomy of a Water Utility
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US Environmental Protection Agency
The US EPA Office of Water (OW) ensures drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife. OW is responsible for implementing the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. For more information click HERE.
ME Public Utilities Commission
The Commission regulates electric, natural gas, telecommunications and water utilities to ensure that Maine consumers enjoy safe, adequate and reliable services at rates that are just and reasonable for both consumers and utilities. The Commission oversees emerging competitive markets for some of these services. The Commission also promotes safe digging the Dig Safe underground utility damage prevention program. For more information click HERE.
ME Drinking Water Program
The Drinking Water Program exists to ensure that public drinking water systems in Maine are protected, treated, monitored, and well managed. The Drinking Water Program is responsible for overseeing public water systems throughout Maine, administering the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the Maine Rules Relating to Drinking Water. For more information click HERE.
Public Water System
(York Water District)
A public water system is defined as any publicly or privately-owned system of pipes or other constructed conveyances, structures and facilities through which water is obtained for or sold, furnished or distributed to the public for human consumption. York Water District is a quasi-municipal entity. A quasi-municipal entity is a public entity created by law to deliver limited goods and services.
The Mission of the District is to provide our Customers with a safe, reliable supply of water that meets or exceeds all State and Federal Health Standards in an environmentally sensitive manner. We are dedicated to conserving and protecting the District’s natural resources and assets to ensure high quality drinking water at the most reasonable cost. Exceptional customer service is our number one priority.
Board of Trustees
The York Water District Board of Trustees is comprised of five members elected by Town of York voters. They serve 5 year terms and meet once per month. The Board is responsible for overseeing overall operations and finances of the District. The Board is tasked with decision making in the best interests of the York Water District customers and upholding the mission of the District.
The Superintendent, Don Neumann, overseen by the Board of Trustees, is responsible for the day to day operations of York Water District. The long list of duties includes instituting employee policies and practices, sets standards for the workplace, secures financing for infrastructure improvements, interacts with customers and contractors, represents the District in Town meetings, represents the employees to the Board of Trustees, and oversees various special projects and contract work.
The employees of York Water District carry out the day to day operations. Made up of many different skillsets the employees manage, operate and maintain the watershed, source water, water filtration plant, distribution system, metering system, equipment, customer service, geographic information systems, public relations, and more.
The customers of York Water District are the ratepayers that make everything possible. Annual revenue from water rates, new customers, and fire protection for the Town of York provide the operating budget for the District.