National Drinking Water Week
May 2nd – May 8th 2021
York Water District and Kittery Water District urge protection of York’s precious drinking water sources.
“National Drinking Water Week” is a chance for water utilities across North America and the customers they serve to join together and celebrate the value that safe, clean and reliable water has in our daily lives.
The theme this year is “There When You Need It”. This simple phrase speaks volumes of the dedication and expertise our drinking water professionals put forth to produce clean water and protect reliable drinking water sources, which is critical to the success of any community. It creates jobs, attracts business and investment, and provides for the health and welfare of citizens in ways ranging from disease prevention to fire suppression.
The Kittery and York Water District’s collectively own and manage approximately 4,500 acres of watershed land surrounding 6 ponds/reservoirs all located in the Town of York serving water to thousands of customers and consumers throughout Kittery, Eliot and York. As guardians of public health and safety we are committed to measures that reduce risks from vandalism, terrorism and natural disasters, while protecting drinking water from ANY risk of contamination.
The Kittery Water District and York Water District urge everyone to Respect and Protect York’s drinking water sources and help keep our supplies and facilities clean, safe and secure. If you see unusual activity near a water facility, a drinking water reservoir, water tower, tank or fire hydrant please call the police and notify your drinking water utility. We remind you, everyone plays a role in protecting our community water supplies and facilities.
For more information on National Drinking Water Week, please visit the following sites:
Drinking Water Week | American Water Works Association (awwa.org)
Drinking Water Week | Drinking Water | Healthy Water | CDC